Network drives
Functions to maintain network drive mappings. For performance reasons it can be wise to make the path to the database a short as possible. A possible solution is to map a drive to the share the database is stored and than link to the database using the drive.
Module: mdlNetworkDrives
' In this case the locaton is stored in a property dbLocation
Dim dbLocation As String
Dim dbDrive As String
If PropertyExists("dbLocation") Then
' Get the share of the database location
dbLocation = CurrentDb.Properties("dbLocation")
' Get the current drive mapping for this share
dbDrive = GetDrive(dbLocation)
' If not mapped, then map to first free drive letter
If dbDrive = "" Then
dbDrive = GetFreeDrive()
Call MapShare(dbDrive, dbLocation, False)
End If
' Link tables using the drive share
Call LinkTable("employee", dbDrive & "\data.accdb")
Call ShowError("No database location specified")
End If