Access/VBA Library


Class to parse a JSON string to a VBA data structure. A JSON object is converted to a Dictionary and an array to a Collection .

Class: JSONParser


  • Numeric values are converted to Double datatype.
  • Dates are treated as a String by default unless the property ConvertToDate is set to True .
  Dim JP As New JSONParser
  Dim varData As Variant

  With JP
  ' Content of file:
  ' {
  ' "name" : "Jeff Morrisson",
  ' "salary" : 28334.33,
  ' "dateofbirth" : "1988-11-24",
  ' "male" : true,
  ' "children" : [ "Anna", "Kim", "Alex" ]
  ' }
      .Filename = "C:\test.json"
      .DebugResult = True
      Set varData = .Parse

      If varData Is Nothing Then
          MsgBox "JSON Parse failed : " & .LastError
          MsgBox varData("name") 'Jeff Morrisson
      End If
  End With
  'Setting the DebugResult property to True will produce:
  'JSON Parser
  'JSON : {"name" : "Jeff Morrisson","salary" : 28334.33, "dateofbirth" : "1988-11-24","male" : true,"children" : [ "Anna", "Kim", "Alex" ]}
  'Result_______: Success!
  'Return type__: Dictionary
  'name__________String________Jeff Morrisson
  'salary________Double________ 28334,33


Date Changes
2019-08-28 Decimal point is determined by checking system settings instead of hard coded comma.
